Results for 'Alessandro Jocelito Beccari'

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  1. Habits and Aesthetic Experience.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 17 (1):61-78.
    It is often assumed that habits and aesthetic experiences are fundamentally and irreconcilably opposed. Typically, aesthetic experiences are considered to necessitate non-habitual behavior and to provoke unexpected mental states and extraordinary affective sensations. This article challenges this assumption. Moving beyond potential structural analogies between habitual behavior and aesthetic experience, I focus on two key aspects. Firstly, I argue that the experience of beauty and aesthetic experiences in general actually depend on certain habits, specifically those engaged in aesthetic agency and appreciation, (...)
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    Biomedical Big Data: New Models of Control Over Access, Use and Governance.Alessandro Blasimme & Effy Vayena - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):501-513.
    Empirical evidence suggests that while people hold the capacity to control their data in high regard, they increasingly experience a loss of control over their data in the online world. The capacity to exert control over the generation and flow of personal information is a fundamental premise to important values such as autonomy, privacy, and trust. In healthcare and clinical research this capacity is generally achieved indirectly, by agreeing to specific conditions of informational exposure. Such conditions can be openly stated (...)
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    Aesthetics of Improvisation.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2022 - Leiden: Brill.
    This essay develops a theory of improvisation as practice of aesthetic sense-making. While considering all arts, references are made to many concrete cases. A topic in vogue since the XX. century, as evidenced by the great philosophers who were interested in it (Ryle, Derrida, Eco among others), improvisation, a felicitous mixture of habit and creativity, norm and freedom, is constitutive of human action. Human practices – including very well-regulated activities such as playing chess, piloting airplanes, or medicine – permit and (...)
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  4. Habits of Unexepectedness.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2023 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 15:55-83.
    The expressive nature of musical improvisation is dissected, navigatingbetween two predominant theses: The Transparency Thesis (1) which proposes thatexpressiveness in improvisation transparently reflects the musician’s subjectiveaffectivity, and the Objective-Generic Expressiveness Thesis (2) asserting that ithinges only on the musicpractice’s objective components. This article challenges boththeses, arguing against (1) by emphasizing that musical expressivity transcends a merenatural outburst, and counteracting (2) by highlighting that it is not merely anenactment of objective expressive topoi. Introducing a novel perspective through theconceptual pair of (social) (...)
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  5. Language in the Ontology Room.Alessandro Torza - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin, International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    The way we answer questions about what there is crucially depends on the language and the logic in which they are framed. This entry introduces the orthodox view on how to carry out such debates, as was formulated by W. V. O. Quine, as well as a number of influential alternatives. A further issue that is explored is whether disagreement about what there is turns on mind-independent features of reality, or it is an artifact of language.
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  6. From times to worlds and back again: a transcendentist theory of persistence.Alessandro Giordani & Damiano Costa - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):210-220.
    Until recently, an almost perfect parallelism seemed to hold between theories of identity through time and across possible worlds,as every account in the temporal case(endurantism,perdurantism, exdurantism) was mirrored by a twin account in the modal case (trans-world identity, identity-via-parts, identity-via-counterparts). Nevertheless, in the recent literature, this parallelism has been broken because of the implementation in the debate of the relation of location. In particular, endurantism has been subject to a more in-depth analysis, and different versions of it, corresponding to different (...)
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  7. Ideology in a Desert Landscape.Alessandro Torza - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):383-406.
    On one influential view, metaphysical fundamentality can be understood in terms of joint‐carving. Ted Sider has recently argued that (i) some first order quantifier is joint‐carving, and (ii) modal notions are not joint‐carving. After vindicating the theoretical indispensability of quantification against recent criticism, I will defend a logical result due to Arnold Koslow which implies that (i) and (ii) are incompatible. I will therefore consider an alternative understanding of Sider's metaphysics to the effect that (i) some first order quantifier is (...)
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    The ingredients of definiteness and the definiteness effect.Alessandro Zucchi - 1995 - Natural Language Semantics 3 (1):33-78.
    Keenan (1987) observed that trivial determiners built from basic existential determiners (e.g.,either zero or else more than zero) are allowed inthere-insertion contexts, and that trivial determiners built from basic non-existential determiners (e.g.,either all or else not all) are not. This result is unexpected under the analyses ofthere-sentences proposed in Barwise and Cooper (1981), Higginbotham (1987), and Keenan (1987). I argue that the class of NPs barred from the postverbal position ofthere-sentences (strong NPs) is correctly characterized in presuppositional terms, as suggested (...)
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    Combinatorial principles in elementary number theory.Alessandro Berarducci & Benedetto Intrigila - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (1):35-50.
    We prove that the theory IΔ0, extended by a weak version of the Δ0-Pigeonhole Principle, proves that every integer is the sum of four squares (Lagrange's theorem). Since the required weak version is derivable from the theory IΔ0 + ∀x (xlog(x) exists), our results give a positive answer to a question of Macintyre (1986). In the rest of the paper we consider the number-theoretical consequences of a new combinatorial principle, the ‘Δ0-Equipartition Principle’ (Δ0EQ). In particular we give a new proof, (...)
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  10. Habits, Aesthetics,and Normativity,.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 17 (1):247-263.
    This article explores the role of habits in shapingaesthetic normativity. It asserts that standards of value within aesthetic agency are not immutable, objective criteriadetached from personal engagement in appreciationand creation, nor should they be reduced to mere individualsubjective pleasure. The former stance fails to consider theessential expressivity and creativity at the heart of aestheticpractices, while the latter overlooks the normative frameworkthat underpins the significance, validity, and qualityof aesthetic agency. This framework is represented in theestablished rules of taste, the need for (...)
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    For an Asian History of Modern Asia.Jean Chesneaux, Alessandro Ferace & Nelda Cantarella - 1966 - Diogenes 14 (55):104-119.
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  12. Il Lullismo in Italia: itinerario storico-critico: volume miscellaneo in occasione del VII centenario della morte di Raimondo Lullo, in memoria di Alessandro Musco.Marta M. M. Romano & Alessandro Musco (eds.) - 2015 - Roma: Edizioni Antonianum.
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  13. Strumenti del Pensiero. Vol. 2.Stefano Velotti & Alessandro Conti (eds.) - 2019 - Laterza.
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    The "What" problem: the emergence of new goals in a robot.Marco Alessandro Villamira - unknown
    - Biological and cognitive systems have the capa- bility of developing new goals during phylogenesis of species or during ontogenesis of single individuals. On the other hand, current artificial cognitive systems focus on how achieving a given fixed set of hard-wired goals. They search an optimal solution of a problem, given a set of goals and a set of optimiza- tion criteria. They look for “how” to achieve a given goal. Natural agents develop new goals in order to cope with (...)
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    Leibniz, the microscope and the concept of preformation.Alessandro Becchi - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (1):4.
    In recent years a certain emphasis has been put by some scholars on Leibniz’s concern about empirical sciences and the relations between such concern and the development of his mature metaphysical system. In this paper I focus on Leibniz’s interest for the microscope and the astonishing discoveries that such instrument made possible in the field of the life sciences during the last part of the Seventeenth century. The observation of physical bodies carried out by the “magnifying glasses” revealed a matter (...)
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    (1 other version)A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik.Alessandro Ferrara - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):45-74.
    With the publication of Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (1981) and of his essays “A Reply to my Critics” (1982), “Diskursethik — Notizen zu einem Bugründungsprogramm” (1983), “Moralbewusstsein und kommunikatives Handeln” (1983), and “Über Moralität und Sitdichkeit — Was macht eine Lebensform ‘rational’?” (1984), Habermas has considerably developed and systematized his views on ethics. Up to Communication and the Evolution of Society (1979), ethics had been of interest to Habermas mainly insofar as certain concepts related to it — such as the (...)
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  17.  28
    The grammar of rights and the grammar of needs.Alessandro Pinzani - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):328-338.
    The paper is structured into four parts. Firstly I discuss the connection between the concept of injustice and the idea of human or individual rights. The claim is quite trivial: the language of rights has been and is still used as a strategy to demand correctives against injustice. Since this strategy has negative effects, of which concrete examples are given, I suggest a different grammar be adopted, the grammar of needs, which is what societies adopt in their justificatory discourses anyway. (...)
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    Creative Thinking and Dyscalculia: Conjectures About a Still Unexplored Link.Sara Magenes, Alessandro Antonietti & Alice Cancer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Scienza e classe operaia: atti del Seminario organizzato da docenti e studenti della Facoltà di architettura del Politecnico di Milano, con l'adesione del Movimento lavoratori per il socialismo e Democrazia proletaria.Oliviero Tronconi & Alessandro Samele (eds.) - 1978 - Milano: Clup.
  20.  19
    Free will, transworld depravity, and divine omniscience.Alessandro Fiorello - 2025 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 97 (1):33-44.
    In this essay I am going to attempt to resuscitate the logical problem of evil. Since the problem is well known I will be brief in motivating it. It is widely held within the field of philosophy of religion that the problem of evil in its logical form is a dead end. That is, it is accepted that there is no logical incoherence in supposing that a perfectly loving and all-powerful god exists alongside the existence of evil. One of the (...)
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    Poesie in tempo di guerra.Ija Kiva & Alessandro Achilli - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Schiller y Marcuse. Arte, experiencia estética y liberación.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2010 - In Antonio Rivera García, Schiller, arte y política. Murcia: Servicio de publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia. pp. 109-124.
    El tema del presente texto es la cuestión del estatuto ontológico del arte y del papel que, con respecto a tal estatuto, juega la relación entre arte y poder político. Para ello voy a traer a colación las obras de dos autores clásicos en este tema: Las cartas sobre la educación estética de la humanidad (1795) de J. C. F. Schiller, y el H. Marcuse de los escritos sobre la dimensión estética, en particular de los ensayos titulados La dimensión estética (...)
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    Vedere la musica.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2011 - Estetica, Studi e Ricerche 1:93-123.
    A fine Settecento, quando l’ingresso della musica nel «sistema delle arti» era un evento ancora recente, il fondatore della Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, Friedrich Rochlitz, individuava il motivo della maggiore discrepanza nei giudizi in materia musica le rispetto alle altre arti nel fatto che essa sarebbe priva di punti di riferimento visibili. «La musica», egli affermava, «nulla ha divisibile (Sichtbares) cui si possano confrontare le sue opere, o da cui possa scaturire una qualche concordanza nelle valutazioni». Mentre per esempio possiamo valutare (...)
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    Corporate social responsibility on social media: a scoping review of the literature.Alessandro Inversini & Giovanni Battista Derchi - 2024 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 22 (4):434-452.
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to generate a better understanding of the nature of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication on social media. In fact social media are one of the most effective communication channels in contemporary business settings. Due to their inner characteristics, they should be the ideal channel for communicating CSR topics. Over the last 15 years, a variety of researches discussed the interplay between CSR and social media, resulting in a rather tangled body of knowledge. Design/methodology/approach (...)
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    Systemic Suffering as a Critical Tool.Alessandro Pinzani - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (1).
    In this paper, I defend that the concept of systemic suffering represents a useful tool for social criticism. I shall first make some preliminary methodological remarks (1) and present different meanings that have been attributed to the concept of social suffering (2). I will then suggest that we adopt the concept of systemic suffering instead (3). The next step consists in showing how this form of suffering is connected to the existence of non-material aspects that contribute to social reproduction and (...)
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    Popular Song and Ethics: Ethical Perspectives and Personal Qualities.Alessandro Giovannelli - 2025 - British Journal of Aesthetics 65 (1):19-32.
    Jerrold Levinson has elegantly defended a proposal for the ethical evaluation of popular songs, which looks at the ‘personal qualities’ a song exhibits. I claim that the personal-qualities theory of artistic expression importantly contributes to explaining how songs get to have their meanings, yet that it does not very profitably extend to their ethical evaluation. I propose that the notion of a work’s ethical perspective best generates a central way of ethically evaluating popular songs, by properly linking the ethical evaluation (...)
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    On the nature, uses and functions of imagination in education: A multidisciplinary approach.Alessandro Gelmi - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (12):1210-1228.
    This article aims to delve into the theoretical perspective on imagination in education, focusing specifically on Imaginative Education theory. The approach involves a dual objective: critically analyzing the limitations and specific potentials of Imaginative Education to stimulate contemporary discourse on imagination in education and using it as a foundation to frame current research in philosophy and psychology within an educational context. Key elements of this theoretical operation include a critical examination of philosophical taxonomies on the concept of imagination and its (...)
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  28. Philosophical Psychology would like to thank our reviewers for their generous contributions to the journal in 2010. Jonathan Adler Kenneth Aizawa.Kathleen Akins, Pignocchi Alessandro, Joshua Alexander, Anna Alexandrova, Keith Allen, Sophie Allen, Colin Allen, Maria Alvarez, Santiago Amaya & Ben Ambridge - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (6):845-848.
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    Marsilius of Padua and Peter of Abano: the scientific foundations of law-making in Defensor Pacis.Alessandro Mulieri - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2):276-296.
    This article shows that a forgotten source of Marsilius’ scientia of law-making in the Defensor Pacis is the Lucidator, the main astrological work of Peter of Abano. A compared analysis of these two works demonstrates that the theories of experientia and scientia that Marsilius considers necessary to make laws in the first dictio of the Defensor Pacis entirely draw on Peter of Abano’s views on the epistemological status of ‘the science of the stars’. It is shown that the purpose of (...)
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    Introducción al dossier: "Enfoques críticos del trabajo en la era neoliberal: sufrimiento social, políticas del cuerpo y nuevos imaginarios democráticos". Repensar el trabajo para el mundo que viene.Alessandro Pinzani, Laura Quintana & Alfredo Sánchez Santiago - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):1-8.
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    Solidariedade e autonomia individual.Alessandro Pinzani - 2010 - Dois Pontos 7 (2).
    O artigo discute o papel da solidariedade na sociedade pós-convencional, mostrandocomo ela se entrelaça com a noção de uma autonomia individual amparada em direitosfundamentais. Para este fim, serão considerados dois experimentos mentais pensados porJoel Feinberg e Eamonn Callan, em seguida, se passará à definição que Jürgen Habermas eAxel Honneth deram do conceito de solidariedade e, finalmente, serão apresentadas algumasconsiderações sobre o conceito de autonomia individual.
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    Origins as a paradigm in the sciences and in the humanities.Paola Spinozzi & Alessandro Zironi (eds.) - 2010 - Göttingen: V & R Unipress.
    The assumption that origins can be defined as a hermeneutic paradigm in the humanities and in the sciences is explored in relation to specific theoretical ...
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  33. Performing the Unexpected Improvisation and Artistic Creativity.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 57:117-135.
    In this paper I suggest that we look to improvisation in order to understand artistic creativity. Indeed, instead of being anti-artistic in nature, due to its supposed unpreparedness, inaccuracy, and repetitive monotony, improvisation in art exemplifies and 'fuels' artistic creativity as such. I elucidate the relationship between improvisation and artistic creativity in four steps. I discuss the concept of creativity in general (I) and in reference to art (II). Then I focus on the properties and the phenomenology of improvisation (III). (...)
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    Fra semiotica ed estetica: i primi contributi di semiologia del cinema di Metz.Alessandro Agostini - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 22.
    Christian Metz can rightfully be considered the founder of the semiology of cinema. This essay traces the supporting structures, and the problems connected to them, of this theoretical effort, starting first of all from the context that nourished it. The difficulties associated with both the construction of a general semiology and the use of its categories in cinema and artistic languages emerge.
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  35. Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers. Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language. (Synthese Library vol. 373).Alessandro Torza (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    This volume covers a wide range of topics that fall under the 'philosophy of quantifiers', a philosophy that spans across multiple areas such as logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and even the history of philosophy. It discusses the import of quantifier variance in the model theory of mathematics. It advances an argument for the uniqueness of quantifier meaning in terms of Evert Beth’s notion of implicit definition, and clarifies the oldest explicit formulation of quantifier variance: the one proposed by Rudolf Carnap. -/- (...)
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    A Commentary on Horace's Epodes (review).Alessandro Barchiesi - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (4):455-455.
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    Virgil, Aeneid 2: A Commentary (review).Alessandro Barchiesi - 2010 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (1):116-117.
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  38. «Wäre ihm dies klar geworden, so wäre seine Ktk. W.L. geworden«: Fichtes Auseinandersetzung mit Kant in den Vorlesungen über Transzendentale Logik.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2009 - Fichte-Studien 33:145-164.
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    (1 other version)Naturalisme, humanisme et philosophie Des valeurs.Alessandro Chiappelli - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:225 - 255.
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    De l'herméneutique théologique à la théologie interreligieuse dans l'œuvre de Claude Geffré.Alessandro Cortesi - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:285-312.
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    "In Interiore omine", la ricerca umana tra monito socratico ed esortazione agostiniana.Claudio D'Alessandro - 2009 - Idee 70:53-68.
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  42. Ricercare Dio con la poesia.Alessandro Fo - 2007 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 28:119-160.
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    Consule ueritatem : Cicéron, Varron et un chapitre de l'histoire de la vérité à Rome.Alessandro Garcea - 2008 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 57 (1):93-110.
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    Il lavoro nel Terzo settore: dimensioni e forme organizzative.Alessandro Messina - 2001 - Idee 46:83-110.
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    (1 other version)On the Rationality of Democratic Choice.Alessandro Pizzorno - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (63):41-69.
    That each individual acts according to his own interests, that he is the best judge of these interests, whether economic or political, and that democratic government, given representative mechanisms that allow citizens to choose among different political offerings, is automatically the most efficient one possible for satisfying people's interests — this is a series of assumptions that lies behind a lot of common-sense opinions that lead people to prefer democracy over other forms of government. A general theory of government rests (...)
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    A theoretical perspective on social agency.Alessandro Pollini - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (2):165-171.
    In interacting with artificial social agents, novel forms of sociality between humans and machines emerge. The theme of Social Agency between humans and robots is of emerging importance. In this paper key theoretical issues are discussed in a preliminary exploration of the concept. We try to understand what Social Agency is and how it is created by, negotiated with, and attributed to artificial agents. This is done in particular considering socially situated robots and by exploring how people recognize and accept (...)
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    Aesthetic Habits in Performing Arts.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):11.
    This article explores the connection between habits and the performing arts, arguing that habits are not only fundamental to the practice and appreciation of these arts but also inherently performative in nature. Drawing on insights from various philosophical traditions (including cognitive science, pragmatism, and phenomenology), it examines how habits function within artistic processes as resources for creativity and adaptation. Engaging critically with Noë’s interpretation of the entanglement between art and life, this article highlights the dual nature of habits: as routine (...)
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    La fine della politica?: tecnocrazia, populismo, multiculturalismo.Lorenzo Castellani & Alessandro Rico (eds.) - 2017 - [Cesena]: Historica.
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    Isaiah Berlin: la vita e il pensiero.Alessandro Della Casa - 2018 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  50. Neuropsychological evidence for multimodal representations of space near specific body parts.Elisabetta Ladavas & Farne & Alessandro - 2004 - In Charles Spence & Jon Driver, Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention. Oxford University Press.
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